Sunday, March 2, 2014

Our 100th day (week) activities

You guys probably already celebrated your 100th day long before now, but ours was on Tuesday. I'm going to share with a you some of he things we did this week

On Tuesday I covered our door with this large sheet of paper and wrote Happy 100 on it. They had to crawl through the second 0. If I had time, I'd have painted it, but the kids don't know what they were missing, and were obsessed with crawling in and out of it all day.


We stacked 100 books (mostly phonics and easy readers for guided reading).

We counted 100 cereal and strung them on twine to make our 100th day necklaces (next year fruit loops)

I wrote 100 words from our Jolly phonics and together we blended/read them

Pairs of students counted out ten rows of ten blocks and then made things out of them.
 Like this cat!

How long is 100? It's almost as long as from our door to the grade two bulletin board. We cut out ten of each colour of paper.

We made giant posters.
Group one made a giant rainbow chip cookie (100 chips)
 Group two made a giant Superhero cape (100 lightnings)
 Group three made a giant kite (100 bows)

We ended the weeks activities with these 100 art projects. Here are a few cute samples: 
Two superheros!
 A giraffe
 A dinosaur
 A boy

Happy 100th day, hope you're inspired!

If you would like me to review other books for kids please leave a comment. It must be useful to either teachers or parents of children age 4 to grade 2.

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Letter Reversal Bundle

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