Hi everyone, and Welcome to the second week of my Weekly Summer Link-Up 2016!
Please join in for ANY or ALL weeks that appeal to you.
This week all the teacher authors (and any other bloggers who stumble across our linky and want to link up!) you'll find below will be sharing with you a novel they want you to read because it is just THAT awesome!
Here is a reminder of all the coming topics. Below you will find the links to my prepared posts for each week. If it doesn't work, that means you are clicking on it before it is live. You're an eager beaver!
Now... Onto MY Book YOU need to read Post!
I'll be honest, I actually haven't made much time to read during the last few years, I don't really have to explain why, finding time to yourself when you're a teacher AND a mom, is extremely hard!
But I recently stumbled upon an awesome way to get cheap or free ebooks for my Kobo.
Have you heard about Bookbub?
It's a free daily email you receive. All you have to provide is the genres of books you might be interested in reading, and the type of ereader you have. Every day you get an email with links to free and discounted ebooks, some form well known authors, but many not.
You read the short description beside the cover to decide if you want that book and then click to add it to your (in my case) Kobo library.
A few weeks ago one of my options was a Science Fiction book called Qualify.
I was intrigued by it's end of the world storyline and it's tag line, "Qualify or Die".
I downloaded it and then couldn't put it down!
I liked it so much I paid for book #2, and am now waiting for #3 to be released. I know Sci Fi isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I quite liked it.
There are some similarities to a few other sci-fi/fantasy books, but it's not too bad, at least I don't think so, after all, I still haven't read Hunger Games.
I love being able to download books for free, if I don't like it I can delete it and forget about it.
Or if it's awesome I can become obsessed, lol.
Now it's your turn! Add your link below to join the party!
What book are you recommending?
get the InLinkz code
I love Bookbub. It's also great if you have kindles or other ereaders in your class. A million free fun books for the kids, right at their finger tips.