Hi everyone, and Welcome to the fifth week of my Weekly Summer Link-Up 2016!
Please join in for ANY or ALL weeks that appeal to you.
This week all the teacher authors (and any other bloggers who stumble across our linky and want to link up!) you'll find below will be sharing with you about when they were in grade school.
Here is a reminder of all the coming topics.
Now... Onto MY Me in Junior High School Post!
Who was I in junior high?
I was a geek, I was a choir girl. I was a big sister.
This picture was the grade 7 choir at my junior high when we performed at an annual music festival. As you can see when being told to act silly most of us did, but a few decided to not, lol. I have my arm extended over my friends head. NO IDEA what I was thinking......
And this was my grade seven class photo. I'm in the back row wearing purple. Smiling despite the girl next to me saying obnoxious things under her breath to me. She was my bully all through school. I sighed a huge breath or fresh air when she moved a way.
Things I liked in junior high: Star Trek. I devoured all the TNG and DS9 books I could get my hands on. This was the year DS9 premiered, so I was watching this every weekend.
Junior High is also when I fell in love with Superman Courtesy of Dean Cain on Lois and Clark.
I was a HUGE Celine Dion Fan (Not so much anymore). I knew every single lyric on this album, lol.
"It's the power of love"
I was on our graduation decoration committee. Lion King was HUGE, and we chose Can you Feel the Love tonight as our dance theme. We created SO many jungle animals to tape on the walls. You have NO idea how many flamingos I drew and painted, lol. For our ceremony our decorations were still up. As you can see, florals were a BIG deal in 1995.
So who were you? PLEASE Link up!